The Keys - from Bank of England Mortgage
Fry eggs and bacon, not your face!

Written by: Amanda Herman,
Corporate Marketing Director

What can you do to avoid the harmful effects of Ultraviolet Rays?

  1. Sunscreen - Duh! Remember MINIMUM SPF 15. Don’t forget to check that expiration date, typically the shelf life of sunscreen is every 3 years. If you’ve had the same bottle for more than 3 years you are either not using it often enough or you are an indoor kinda guy/gal.
  2. Sunglasses - Protect your eyes and reduce the risk of cataracts
  3. Hat - Best protection comes from a wide brim hat made of a tightly woven fabric
  4. Clothing - There are so many choices when it comes to UV protecting clothing
  5. Shade - Reduce exposure by seeking shade under an umbrella, tree or other shelter
  6. Drink Water - Drink up and stay moisturized

To read more about protecting your skin from harmful UV Rays visit:


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What is Independence Day?

Independence Day is a cherished occasion that commemorates the hard-fought freedom and sovereignty of a nation. On this day, people come together to honor the struggles and sacrifices of their ancestors, reflecting on the journey towards independence and the values that it represents. However, the spirit of celebrating independence should extend beyond this singular day, as it serves as a reminder of the enduring principles that underpin our lives. Each day should be an opportunity to cherish and embrace our independence, not just in a political sense, but also in terms of personal growth, individuality, and the freedom to pursue our dreams. By recognizing and appreciating the liberties we possess, we can cultivate a mindset of gratitude and make conscious efforts to protect and promote the rights and freedoms of all, ensuring that the spirit of independence permeates every aspect of our lives.

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Bank of England Mortgage is a division of Bank of England. NMLS# 418481. Bank of England Mortgage is an Equal Housing Lender. Member FDIC. For informational purposes only. Results may vary.

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