The HomeFront from BOE Marketing
Know your platforms Flyer Content

Something important to keep in mind when you’re thinking of either getting started with social media or branching out to a new network is to do the research to determine which platforms your target audience uses.

For example, if you’re trying to let leads know you know the best way to finance a jumbo loan, you may conclude your target audience is at least over 40. Putting that messaging on Facebook would serve you better than trying to get those individuals to move to a platform they might not use regularly like Instagram, which skews toward a younger demographic.



I wanted to remind you that we have a NEW Marketing Approval Hub in place –!

This system is very easy and will allow us to better keep track of all marketing approvals and submissions. We’ve had a lot of success with it and we’re excited to continue approvals through the site. To login, please use the same credentials you use to login to MONA, BOESignatures, or any other BOE Marketing tool.

If you missed our webinar going over the new site – you can view it here:

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The majority of millennials rent or live with their parents before buying a home. As a result, they have time to narrow down their options and know exactly what they are looking for in a home. On average, millennials take approximately eight weeks to make a decision on a new home.

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Please join us and register for our Marketing Approvals and Compliance Webinar on Feb 3, 2021 at 11:00 AM CST!

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

happy new year company store

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