The HomeFront from BOE Marketing


Circle all Wednesdays on your calendar! The Marketing Webinars will now take place every WEDNESDAY at 10AM CST. Please watch your emails for webinar topics and registration links.


Perhaps the biggest mistake that most loan officers make, is that they're rarely available online. They do maintain a presence but they aren't interactive. You don't need to spend hours a day waiting for someone to talk to you, but you do need to make yourself available. If someone replies to a tweet on Twitter, you should thank them. If someone writes a good or bad review on your Facebook page, you should interact with them. Staying social and available, lets people know that you're listening and most importantly, YOU CARE.


If you're having issues viewing a website, or you know you aren't viewing the most updated version of a site - you can clear your "cache"! Internet browsers try to do their part to speed up the loading process. Your browser has a folder in which certain items that have been downloaded are stored for future use. Graphic images, photos, and even entire web pages are examples of items which are saved or cached. To update any web page press CTRL + the refresh icon at the top of your browser.



Are you new to Bank of England Mortgage? Do you need an updated business card? Head over to! You can select the style of business card you would like, enter your information, upload a photo - and order! Please remember to select the correct color logo for YOUR branch. If you are unsure of your branch color - ask your Branch Manager.


Twice a week members of our corporate office team take time to teach a class about Career Success to local High School students. We volunteer through a non-profit organization called Junior Achievement. Junior Achievement is the nation's largest organization dedicated to giving young people the knowledge and skills they need to own their economic success, plan their future, and make smart academic and economic choices. This week our team members worked with local students at JA Fair High School and Parkview High School to talk with them about credit scores, social media pages, saving money, and how to be prepared for the future.