The Keys - from Bank of England Mortgage
Selfcare Sunday

Most people find satisfaction when pairing an activity with a day of week. I’ve never heard of anyone that didn’t like “Taco Tuesday” or maybe you’re a little more healthy eating focused and enjoy a good “Meatless Monday.”

If you’re looking for a day of the week to relax and reset, maybe you should try “Self-Care Sunday.” When you think about it, making Sunday a day to do good things for yourself makes sense. Sundays are usually the more relaxed day of the weekend. This makes it the perfect day to set aside some time (whether it’s 30 minutes or half a day) to do something productive for yourself. This doesn’t mean you have to spend all day on the couch curled up with your favorite blanket and a good book - not that there's anything wrong with that! Self-Care Sunday is about doing things that make you feel good, or at least that are good for you!

Next time you think “I’d like to take some self care time,” try one of these options:

  • Movement - This doesn’t mean going to your local gym and getting in a good workout, this can be hiking, ice skating, going for morning run, or signing up for a new class at the gym!
  • Food - Weekends are a great time for indulgences, and that means delicious food. Whether it be cooking, going out to your favorite restaurant, or meal prepping for the week.
  • Personal Care - This is traditionally what people think of when they hear “Self-Care Sunday.” This could be a good time for deep moisturizing, exfoliating, or face masks.

Taking the time to enjoy these small self care tasks will ensure you go into the next week a little less stressed and prepared for success!


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February Dog Training Education Month

Here at BOE Mortgage we are all about finding fun, positive ways to interact with your furry friends. With this month being Dog Training Education Month we’d like to give you 3 helpful dog training tips.

  • Use positive reinforcement - whether the actions are big or small, reward your dog for good behavior
  • Find the right rewards - not all dogs are interested in treats, if this is the case for you, try a quick play session with a favorite tow, or just plenty of affection
  • Consistency is key - make sure each member of your household is on the same page. Dogs need consistency to learn new habits
Kids Activity - Dog Color

Kids Activity - Dog Color

Cupid Chow

Cupid Chow

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Bank of England Mortgage is a division of Bank of England. NMLS# 418481. Bank of England Mortgage is an Equal Housing Lender. Member FDIC. For informational purposes only. Results may vary.

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